Welcome to my comments and insights for some of my paintings.

I hope you find them interesting. JJ

kludahk trail

February 09, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

kludahk trail 16 x 20 incheskludahk trail 16 x 20 inches

This painting measures 16x20 inches and is painted in acrylic paint.  Titled 'Kludahk Trail' showing a scene close to the

Port Renfrew end.    The Kludahk trail extends approximately 47 km along the San Juan Ridge, East to West, parallel with the

Straight of Juan de  Fuca between Jordan River and Port Renfrew.  Not to be confused with the Juan de Fuca Marine trail which 

travels the same direction but along the coastline. The Kludahk typically receives 12 to 15 feet of snow but, on occasion,

has seen well over 20 feet of which we have experienced on our many snowshoeing trips in the area.  We have been hiking this

trail for many years and have enjoyed what each season provides, wild life, bogs, lakes, forests and some Alpine geography. 

The access points have changed over the years and just getting to travel them can be an adventure in itself. 

This painting is available to purchase for $285

This trail came into being with the efforts of Maywell Wickheim and a great many volunteers

but Maywell was the cornerstone.

Many of the items used to build the cabins and trails were donated and brought in through his efforts. 

It is now under the Ministry of Forests in agreement with the forestry industry. 




edge of the ice

February 01, 2022  •  Leave a Comment


edge of the ice 24 x 48 inchesedge of the ice 24 x 48 inches

New painting just completed in oil.  Titled 'edge of the ice' measures 24 x 48 inches.

The scene shows a lone Polar Bear patrolling the edge of the ice.

This painting is available for purchase at $580.  Thank you, JJ

atnarko river winter

January 29, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

atnarko river winter 16 x 20 inchesatnarko river winter 16 x 20 inches

This painting, measuring only 16 x 20 inches, completed in oil is titled 'Atnarko River'.

The Atnarko river flows into the Bella Coola River in the Bella Coola Valley, This scene was painted from a friends photo,

Jeff Bray at the Great Bear Chalet.    However, we have all stood in this very spot many times over the last fifteen or more years

to watch Grizzly Bears stroll up and down the rivers edge. 

The painting is available for purchase at $285.   thank you, JJ.

mesachie forest

January 16, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

mesachie forest 2 -23.5x31.5mesachie forest 2 -23.5x31.5

Mesachie forest is another of our favourite places.  It is such an enchanting place with trails

that take you from old growth trees in the lower bench then winding through the upper levels and back

down to the lakeside trail.  The other side of the forest is plantation and you can walk along the tracks 

there and see the different trees.  Both forests are home to a variety of creatures big and small 

and at times we have been fortunate to see them on our walks.

This painting measures 23.5 x 31.5 inches and in done in oil.  Available for purchase at $650.   

Thank you for stopping by, JJ

Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve

January 09, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

honeymoon bay ecological reserve 36x72honeymoon bay ecological reserve 36x72

Titled 'Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve' this snow scene shows a cow and yearling Roosevelt Elk during a light snowfall.

This is a beautiful spot that we frequent, sometimes we are fortunate to see 

Elk along the loop trails by Sutton Creek.  Carpets of pink Fawn Lilies, yellow Violets, Trilliums are a few

of the wildflowers that can been seen here in the spring.

This painting completed in acrylic, measures 36 x 72 inches and is available for purchase at $1500.